Alissa Wahid adalah psikolog keluarga, aktivis sosial, pegiat demokrasi, dan praktisi dialog antariman. Alissa adalah anggota Dewan Penasehat United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development, Sekretaris Jenderal Lembaga Kemaslahatan Keluarga Nahdlatul Ulama, dan Sekjen Gerakan Suluh Kebangsaan yang ia dirikan bersama Mahfud MD, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan. Oleh Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Alissa ditunjuk sebagai Indonesian Ambassador for Sustainble Development Goals (2019–2021). Putri mendiang Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) ini juga pendiri Jaringan Gusdurian Indonesia, sebuah komunitas nasional lintas-etnis dan agama guna menguatkan demokrasi dan hak-hak sipil serta pemahaman dan dialog antaragama. Karena aktivitasnya, Jaringan Gusdurian pernah mendapatkan penghargaan the Asian Democracy and Human Rights Award dari Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, selain the Indonesian Mental Revolution Award.
Nusantara Institute - Nusantara Fellow
Al Makin adalah Guru Besar Filsafat Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. Ia adalah mantan rektor dan editor-in-chief Al–Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies. Al Makin pernah (atau sedang) menjadi dosen tamu dan peneliti di berbagai universitas dan lembaga riset seperti University of North Florida; University of Western Sydney; Heidelberg University; Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore; Bochum University; dan McGill University. Ia memperoleh gelar PhD dari Heidelberg University dan MA dari McGill University. Selain menulis artikel di berbagai jurnal ilmiah di dalam dan Luar Negeri, Al Makin juga menulis sejumlah buku akademis (baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris), antara lain, Plurality, Theology, Patriotism: Critical Insights into Indonesia and Islam (Suka Press and Globe Ethics, 2017); Challenging Islamic Orthodoxy: Accounts of Lia Eden and Other Prophets in Indonesia (Springer, 2016); Representing the Enemy Musaylima in Muslim Literature (Peter Lang, 2010); dan Keragaman dan Perbedaan: Budaya dan Agama dalam Lintas Sejarah Manusia (Suka Press, 2016).
Christopher R. Duncan is an anthropologist. He is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Rutgers University, Newark. Prior to Rutgers, Dr. Duncan taught in the Religious Studies Department at Arizona State University and held fellowships at the Australian National University, Goldsmiths College at the University of London, and KITLV (the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies) in the Netherlands. Dr. Duncan has undertaken extensive field research on the island of Halmahera in the eastern Indonesian province of North Maluku since 1995 focused on a variety of topics including religious violence, forced migration, indigenous rights, and missionization. He has numerous publications including Violence and Vengeance: Religious Conflict and Its Aftermath in Eastern Indonesia and Civilizing the Margins: Southeast Asian Government Policies for the Development of Minorities.
Dewi Kanti dikenal luas sebagai pejuang adat, aktivis hak-hak azasi manusia, dan pegiat dialog antariman. Ia adalah cicit Pangeran Sadewa Madrais Alibassa Kusuma Wijaya Ningrat (Pangeran Madrais), pendiri komunitas Adat Karuhun Sunda Wiwitan atau Agama Djawa Sunda. Kini, Dewi yang juga pemain kecapi musik tradisional Sunda ini tercatat sebagai anggota Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan (Komnas Perempuan, 2020–2024) dan Ketua Yayasan Tri Mulya Tri Wikrama, sebuah lembaga pendidikan dan pelestarian kebudayaan Nusantara yang berbasis di Kuningan, Jawa Barat. Selain itu, Dewi juga aktif di sejumlah ormas seperti Aliansi Nasional Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dan Girang Pangaping Adat Karuhun Sunda Wiwitan. Karena aktivitasnya, ia pernah menerima sejumlah penghargaan dan fellowship seperti Australia Award Fellowship dari Queensland University of Technology untuk program Indonesian Women Human Rights Defender, Pekerja Bina Damai dari Tanah Pasundan, dan Perempuan Pegiat Perdamaian dari Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia.
En-Chieh Chao is a cultural anthropologist and Professor in the Department of Sociology at National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan. She obtained her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Boston University. Her research interests focus on the intersections between religion, gender, race, and modernity. Her book Entangled Pieties: Muslim-Christian Relations and Gendered Socialities in Java, Indonesia was published by Palgrave Macmillan. More recently, Chao undertakes a project to study Islam with science, technology and society in the Indo-Malay world. She explores the overlooked multi-species sciences of “halalness” -the dynamics of Islamic ritual purity in modern life involving animal physiology, molecular biology, and oil chemistry - to expose the social contingencies that gave birth to new scientific discoveries and religious practices in the late 20th and 21st centuries.
Fachrizal Halim is a faculty member in the Department of Religion and Culture, St. Thomas More College, University of Sascatchewan, Canada, where he teaches courses and undertakes research on Islam, Indonesian Islam, Islamic Law, Muslim cultures, and Muslim-non-Muslim relations, among others. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Law School, Harvard University. He received his PhD in Islamic Studies from McGill University and MA from Harford Seminary. Dr. Halim has published articles in multiple academic journals, authored Legal Authority in Premodern Islam (Routledge, 2015), and co-edited Islam on the Prairies: Tolerance, Pluralism and Diversity.
Jeremy Kingsley is a legal scholar and anthropologist. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Law (Swinburne Law School) and Director of Indonesia Law, Governance and Culture Program, both at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. Dr. Kingsley, who won the prestigious Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Regional Research Fellowship, obtained his LLM and PhD degrees from the University of Melbourne. Previously, he held a postdoctoral position at the Asia Research Institute and a Senior Research Fellow at the Middle East Institute, both at National University of Singapore. Kingsley’s research focuses on Indonesia’s religious and political authority and how this affects local governnance. Dr. Kingsley has undertaken extensive field research on the island of Lombok, eastern Indonesia, published numerous academic articles in various scientific and public affairs journals, and authored Religious Authority and Local Governance in Eastern Indonesia.
Peter Suwarno is an Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the School of International Letters and Cultures as well as an affiliated faculty member of the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University. He obtained his PhD in Language and Communication from Ohio University. Profesor Suwarno serves as a resident director of several US government–sponsored Indonesian abroad programs. His teaching and research interests include Indonesian languages and linguistics and Indonesian religious communication and conflicts. He published academic articles in these areas and authored Dictionaries of Javanese Proverbs and Idiomatic Expressions.
Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari adalah staf pengajar di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Udayana, Bali. Pendidikan S1 ia tempuh di Universtas Indonesia di bidang studi sastra, sedangkan S2 dan S3 di Universitas Udayana. Selain itu, ia juga pernah studi di sejumlah kampus di Jepang, antara lain, Waseda University. Ia penerima fellowship dari sejumlah lembaga seperti Japan Foundation dan Sumitomo Foundation. Tahun 2021, Ida Ayu memperoleh Nusantara Academic Award dari Nusantara Institute dan Bank Central Asia. Minat risetnya adalah bidang sastra, khususnya cerita rakyat Jepang serta kajian komparatif cerita rakyat Jepang dan Bali. Ia telah menulis sejumlah artikel ilmiah, baik dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris, yang terbit di sejumlah jurnal akademik. Selain itu, ia juga telah menulis sebuah buku berjudul Cerita Rakyat Bali Aga dan Ainu Jepang (2022).